Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Greetings from Whirled Peas Headquarters!

It is my pleasure to inaugurate our Gently Spoken blog! We're on a mission to enter the information age (a little late, I know!). What better or more efficient way to connect with readers from all around the world than the Internet?

Life is blessedly busy here at Peas HQ. All morning long, Cheryl has been on the phone talking to customers about matters both business (how best to merchandise our books) and personal (how to overcome a heart break). We've decided she's our own personal in-house life coach. Which is something funny about Eat Your Peas: It isn't just a book series, though it's certainly a wonderful line of books. Eat Your Peas is a whole community full of people who care about making the world a better place, one healed heart at a time.

Every so often, someone will try to tell us that our message is outdated; apparently encouragement is just too "mushy," too sentimental for modern, ironic and disconnected consumers. Every so often, we start to worry they're right. But then someone will call or email to share their story, and we're reminded that sincerity never goes out of style.

A great example: a woman left a message on our machine over a week ago, and we still can't bear to erase it. She told us about sending our Eat Your Peas for Sons books to her child who is stationed in Iraq. Her son was "just ecstatic" about the book, and she wanted to "salute the carriers of the book and the author herself." What better incentive than that do we need to keep going?

There is a board in our office covered with letters and notes we've received from happy readers who remind us why we do this everyday. We're incredibly lucky to be an office that receives more kind words than angry ones (knock on wood!). If you're one of those happy readers, please share your story with us!

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