Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Same Kind of Different

Every once in a while I stumble across an extraordinary book. The kind you want to shout out to the world that it’s a must read. Being an enthusiastic person by nature, I think many people just kind of ignore my recommendations and chalk it up to another one of my obsessions.

My new friend Sally gave me same kind of different as me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It sat on my shelf for weeks until I brought it along on a flight to Nashville last week. Everyone on the plane knew the book I was reading was really good. Tears kept rolled down my face; so many that I think I used up a box of tissues. I’m sure the passenger sitting next to me wanted to say, “It’s going to be okay, it’s just a book.” But he didn’t. In fact, he leaned the opposite way. Most men don’t like seeing a woman cry. Maybe he doesn’t know that tears are raindrops of hope. It was obvious: I was transformed, touched and inspired by Ron and Denver’s story. You might be too.

We get one chance, one lifetime, to make a difference on this earth. You’re probably already doing it, but I need to get really busy.

I’d tell you more about the book but I’d probably just start crying again. I’ll just say that it’s a beautiful story about faith, courage, adversity and grace. You can learn more about the book and its authors at Read it. Embrace its message and tell a friend. You won’t be disappointed. Promise.

Here’s to spring and all its forthcoming beauty!