Friday, January 15, 2010

Name Your Year!

Hard to believe it’s already the new year!  It seems like just yesterday we were putting up the Christmas trees and prepping the window for the holidays.  Now all the razzle and dazzle are gone! (Well, not all of it; we left the flocked trees up. After all, snow-covered trees will still be timely until at least March here in Minnesota!)  In exchange for all the shiny wrapping and bows, we get something even better: the chance to start over with newly defined purpose.

Here’s one of my favorite ideas: name your year!  I love this idea because it works.  Think about a theme you’d like to live your life by all year long.  Here are some examples we’ve used at Gently Spoken: Year of Heroic Customer Service, Year of Affirmation, Year of Listening.  Think about what matters most to you.  Maybe your family, group of friends, or coworkers could join together to name the year.  How about the Year of Community Involvement of the Year of Gratitude?  Better yet, the Year of Positive Self-Talk!

As a gentle reminder, place signs around your house or place of work.  Put them on the mirror or fridge, or whatever you look at on a daily basis.

Live your year!