Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Grateful People are Happy People

Is it true? Are grateful people also happier people? My friend and mentor, Dr. Tom Hill, claims research says it's so. And I believe him. Surveys of the gratefulness levels of family and friends confirmed what I’ve found to be true in myself.

Are grateful people happy all the time? Goodness, no! It's just that the odds are in their favor. Even in challenging times, when they’re struggling with relationship, health, job or financial issues, grateful people often see through the fog of uncertainty and fear. They see hope on the horizon and look for life lessons to grow by.

As I grow older, I find myself naturally becoming more grateful. So many people and places amaze, even astound me. Like you! And Torrie and Maggi, young women who work behind the scenes at Gently Spoken who are incredibly smart and self-directed. They make me look good. Come to think of it, my personal gratitude list is infinite! Family. Friends. My neighbor Eva. I still look at Mark, my eHarmony husband, in awe, and my mom never ceases to inspire me. Mom's the ultimate grateful one. No wonder she's still a spitfire at the age of 88. She spends a great deal of her day counting her blessings (I'm not kidding). 

Writing about Mom makes me think of food. I LOVE food and my gratitude shows. As a result, I'll be eternally grateful for the amazing tummy holding power of Not My Daughters jeans (If you haven't tried them, run to your nearest store. They're worth every penny.). I'm also thankful for my legs that take me on spirited adventures and help me walk off calories from eating too many piping hot cheesy enchiladas, even if it's sometimes means only walking to the corner store. My legs bring me such happiness! I'm grateful for eyes that help me see nature's extraordinary beauty.
I'm grateful for every breath. Today I will breath deeply and take a moment to reflect and be grateful.

How about you? What are you grateful for?

Ever grateful,


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