Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Red Lights

I always try to be grateful for the little things, because all of those little details really do make a difference in our lives. Today, I was profoundly grateful for…the little red light on my electric stove top! This selfless little light stayed on long after I’d forgotten I had a heater burning. If it wasn’t for that light, the burner could have been left on for hours before I noticed it, and that could have been very dangerous indeed.

It's nearly Thanksgiving, a time of year that reminds us to be grateful for all the little red lights in our lives. It’s part of my mission to express gratitude for those lights, be they human or inanimate. I’ve noticed that when I affirm someone lately—verbally or especially in writing—they say, "You don't know how badly I needed to hear that today." I think a lot of people: moms, dads, co-workers, husbands, sisters, friends, neighbors, teachers and kids, are walking around doubting their magnificence, stressed beyond measure and feeling a bit overwhelmed dealing with all the activity and responsibility of their lives.

I'm today's red light, and I’m blinking at you in reminder of all the wonderful people in your life.

Why not send an email or a note to someone today and remind them how extraordinary they are? Tell them how much you admire their courage, their talent, their undying faith or their tireless role as a working mom or dad. Send a note of appreciation. Send a love note. For no reason at all.

Inspiration comes from the strangest places. Keep an eye out for red lights.

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